Church Activation Kit


Read and download the Presidential message on the National Day of Prayer and Return 2020 signed by president Donald Trump.

Prayer Guide


Read this letter to the President of the United States and sent to Ben Carson on July 2, 2019.

Prayer Guide


Use the following Prayer Guide as a resource with prayer prompts and scripture verses as ways to pray for God’s power and a movement of the Holy Spirit to call your community back to God through repentance.

10 Day Prayer Guide


Use the Following Prayer Guide to Pray through the 10 Days of Awe as we prepare for The Return.

Vision Booklet


WE STAND AT A PIVOTAL MOMENT in American history and world history. A juncture, that can permanently seal our nation’s course and the course of world history, for bad or good, for calamity or redemption.

The Solemn Assembly


The Solemn Assembly is a time for the church to act in it’s priestly role toward the world in which it confesses for the cities and the nations, sins against God which could invite his wrath and judgment.

16 Facts


Throughout human history every great society has eventually entered a period of decline, and sadly that is happening to us as well.

Breach of God's Covenant

Breach of God’s Covenant With America

America has seen alarming events recently that many have rightly described as a “shaking.” \\What is going on? It looks as though the America we love is dissolving before our very eyes. These events are also happening all around the world.

A Message To Pastors


The enemy’s desire is to see ministries, families and churches dashed upon the rocks of failure. If we are to avoid that end, we must consider the work of the ancient watchman, understanding that his ministry is needed today, more than ever before.

Prayer Triplets

Prayer Triplets

As Christian, we have the distinct privilege to pray for the spiritual needs of our community’s needs. All prayers are private and confidential and said face-to-face whenever possible.


Return To Me

Return to Me – Bible Study Book

Return to Me Bible Study Book includes printed content for an introductory session and seven additional weekly sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, supplementary tools for personal renewal, a pastor/leader guide, personal journal space, a renewal group guide, and daily examples of how a person or church can repent and return to the Lord.

Prayer Guide


This book unfolds the nature and necessity of biblical repentance, but for the church in particular. Roberts’ in-depth study heavily references both the Old and New Testaments, and includes chapters on the myths, maxims, marks, models, and motives of repentance, as well as the graces and fruits that accompany it.

Doug Stringer

Somebody Cares America

Doug is the author of numerous books, including It’s Time to Cross the Jordan and Leadership Awakening: Foundational Principles for Lasting Success. He has written many published articles as well.

Trading Up

Trading Up

Our Trading Up Book Series ignites and equips you to live with joy, identity, and purpose as a King’s Daughter.

Give as gifts, use in your small group, or enjoy in your quiet time!


The 1726 Project

The Great Awakening that began in 1726 transformed Colonial America and laid the spiritual, moral, and philosophical foundations for the beginning of a great new nation.

Powerful Prayer Life

How To Develop A Powerful Prayer Life

In today’s world, many believers have unintentionally settled for personal prayer times that stop short of fullest closeness and power in Jesus. Without being complicated or overwhelming, this Scripture filled book takes believers to a biblical level of intimacy and spiritual power.

Curt Landry Forgotten Heritage

Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage

Curt Landry explains how, over time, the Church has been cut off from her Jewish roots. As a result, the Bride of Christ has lost her power and authority on earth.

Ripened On The Vine

Ripened on the Vine

Michele and Marty are the Co-Founders of Faith Builders Ministry. The ministry purpose of Faith Builders is responsive to anyone that believes they have reason to give up, give in, or give out before their race is finished.

Sharing God's Big Love

Sharing God’s Big Love With Little Lives

Jean Thomason has more than 30 years of experience as a musical performer, worship leader, author, and conference speaker to parents, grandparents, teachers, and children’s ministers.

Trump's Unfinished Business

Trump’s Unfinished Business: 10 Prophecies to Save America

In one book, you will find new applications of God’s commands that can be used to break up the Tech Giants’ monopoly, create a Digital Bill of Rights, reform Family Law, protect children, enshrine true equality, educate our youth, and deal sensibly with Climate Change.

Destined For Hell

Destined For Hell

Destined for Hell is the life story of Luis Torres–a man who experienced many misfortunes in life but was radically transformed by the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ. Starting out as a loser, the product of a broken family caught up on witchcraft, Luis was truly destined for hell unless there was a divine intervention in his life.

Heirloom Love

Heirloom Love

Dominic is the author of Heirloom Love and a pastor at One Body Church in Tampa, FL. He founded LumenLife, an organization that is awakening and inspiring Jesus followers to care for their persecuted brothers and sisters. He also serves on the National Christian Foundation – Tampa Bay board of Directors.

We're Not Colorblind

We’re Not Colorblind

With the U.S. in jeopardy of fracturing along simmering fault lines, authors Alveda King and Ginger Howard’s new book, We’re Not Colorblind: Healing the Racial Divide could not have arrived at more opportune moment.

Abortion Worldwide Report

Abortion Worldwide Report

For pastors, Christians, and pro-life/family groups, the AWR is a great resource to help you know the truth and confidently prepare sermons or talking points, lead study groups or classes, and do research and write papers.

The Backyard of Jesus

The Backyard of Jesus

Pastor Steven Khoury has founded Holy Land Missions, which has been reaching out to the lost in Israel for the past 40+ years. He’s an affiliate with the B.B.F.I, the National Christian Foundation, and the Voice of the Martyrs Organization. Pastor Khoury is author of the book, In the Backyard of Jesus: Standing in the Shadow of Tomorrow’s Persecution. His ministry has been a topic in several books. Ps.Khoury has also done numerous interviews, including recent broadcasts on FOX News and CBN.

Eye To Eye

Eye To Eye

William Koenig has been a White House correspondent for 16 years. He is the president of Koenig—World Watch Daily ( He publishes weekly, “Koenig’s Eye View from the White House.” William and his wife Claudia have traveled to 35 states and 10 countries speaking on the biblical significance of these days. They reside in the Washington, D.C. area.

Its Time To Pray

It’s Time To Pray

We’re going to pray and we’re going to believe that God is going to resurrect this nation again. This prayer meeting is not our idea, this is a God-initiated moment. The very future of America now depends on our prayers.

The First Hour For Men

The First Hour for Men – 30-Day Study Guide

This 30-day guidebook takes you to The Real Book, The Bible! Reading the Bible for 30 minutes each day through the New Testament and Proverbs in just 30 days, plus praying 30 minutes a day using the 18 powerful scriptural prayers, will radically change you. This is a simple guide to help men plan and measure their time with God. You show up, and God will show up!

Irans Awakening

Iran’s Great Awakening

Join Dr. Shariat on a journey out of bondage to Islam to freedom in Christ. Learn what the Bible says about Iran and why Iran is just the beginning of something big, eternal, and of historical proportion that is already happening!

America In The Balance

America in the Balance

America in the Balance aims to answer the question of how God views nations in general and America specifically. God is wonderfully gracious, kind, and loving, but He is also holy and just. How does a biblical understanding of God’s holiness and justice inform us of the unusual hour in which we are living? What are the implications of God’s justice for nations today—and especially for America?

Gods Hostage

God’s Hostage

The incredible true story of one man’s imprisonment for the gospel; his brokenness, God’s faithfulness and his eventual freedom.

Secret of the Ages

The Success Secret of the Ages

This 59 page booklet is imperative reading for everyone. We can live here under the curse or live under God’s blessing while on this planet. There are only two choices. This information will pay you dividends for the rest of your life.

The Light of His Presence

The Light of His Presence

The beloved Bible teacher and daughter of Billy Graham shares a rich treasury of her personal prayers to guide you into a deeper, more intimate daily conversations with God.

The Return of God's Power

God’s Power

Straight out of The Book of ACTS, how CHRIST and HIS Apostles went from house to house. How GOD can and will show up with Powerful Sign and Wonders, Healing and Blessing for even such a time as these!

Joy of the Whole Earth

The Joy of the Whole Earth

Lars Enarson challenges conventional paradigms, and shifts the focal point of Christian thinking for anyone willing to be confronted by the message of the Bible. He explains from the breadth of Scripture why Jerusalem should be our highest joy.

Dont Quit Now

Don’t Quit Now

At one time or another everyone will entertain the thought of quitting. This book contains the story of Phil Enloe’s battle with discouragement while fulfilling his work for God.

Making America Good Again

Making America Good Again

It is the conviction of the author that the roots of our history and culture lie deep in the text of the Bible, the only book the Pilgrims and Puritans brought with them to the new land. The book contains an examination of the twists and turns that account for the kind of country we are today.

The Character Trait Journal

The Character Trait Journal

More than educational, physical and mental attributes one may have, a person’s success in life will, in fact, be determined by their character. It will decide how far a person goes and how long they stay there.


American Heritage

One New Man

Biblical Background

Biblical Background of the Solemn Assembly

Historical Foundation

Historical Foundation of the Solemn Assembly

American Heritage

American Heritage of Fasting, Prayer and Humiliation

Hebrew Roots

Hebrew Roots of the End Time Church


New Videos Coming Soon!



At critical moments in American history Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln sought God’s miraculous intervention, helping turn the tide of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Preserving the greatness of America.


By leading America and the world in participating in the National and Global Day of Repentance, America will be making a global declaration that we are seeking God’s hand to be on all nations who seek His sovereign will and welcome His ways.


If ancient Israel obeyed God, God promised to raise them up above all the nations on earth. The Pilgrims entered that same covenant with God, and despite America’s imperfections, God raised America up above every nation on earth economically, politically, geopolitically, scientifically, and technologically because God’s people in America endeavored to fulfill that covenant.


The miracles throughout American history confirm the truth of God’s plan for the United States. George Washington praying in the snow at Valley Forge for God’s help and wisdom, prior to the successful attack on enemy troops at Trenton, is a classic example.


The words in President Lincoln’s proclamation speak to us today. Are we too self-sufficient? Have we thought that our blessings have been produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own? Are we too proud to pray to the God that made us?


On July 12, 1775, in a letter to Abigail explaining the Continental Congress’ decision to declare a Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer, Adams wrote: “We have appointed a Continental fast. Millions will be upon their knees at once before their great Creator, imploring his forgiveness and blessing; his smiles on American Council and arms.”


The proper “mortar” for any person or society is the Word of God. That word is eternal; it doesn’t change. Over the past few decades, our nation has drifted away from God’s Word. Popular culture urges us to do what feels good; all is relative; there is no heaven or hell.


The theme running throughout the Bible is God’s plan to bring his wayward sons and daughters back to himself. Whether he’s dealing with nations, houses of worship, or individuals, God always seeks reconciliation and restoration before he resorts to judgment.


More than ever before, we need to repent for the sins of our nation. Following the example of righteous Abraham, we must repent, pray and petition God to preserve our nation.


God is love and the greatest biblical commandments are to love God and our neighbors as ourselves. We must ask forgiveness for failing to demonstrate this love in countless ways, including empowering hatred in those we have judged in our own self-righteousness as being sinners when we ourselves are sinners saved through no merit of our own.


Throughout history, all the great revivals began with this idea: Repent and turn back to God. Throughout the Bible, God makes it clear that failure to obey this command will result in judgment. On many occasions in the Old Testament, the same cycle repeated: blessing, disobedience, warning, judgment, and repentance.


The time has come for each of us; we have been called to seize the moment. We are at the threshold of the greatest move of God in our time. For that to happen, however, we must be men and women of action, men and women who are ready to respond by faith to what God has initiated.