God’s End-Time Strategy is Being Revealed
(Are you ready to receive it?)
Introducing The Romans 911 Project
Restoring One New Humanity to the Body of Messiah/Christ and giving vision to reform the Church for Kingdom purposes and the last great awakening

Why is the Romans 911 Project message so important?
RESTORATION of the family of God and REFORMATION in the Ekklesia/Church
As God prepares His Bride for His coming to restore the Earth to Himself, as He moves us toward the last great awakening for Israel’s Salvation, the end-time harvest, and the redemption of the nations, there is a most significant Restorative Piece, in the Heart of the Father, in the family of God that must now be recognized to fulfill Yeshua/Jesus’s prayer of John 17 in The One New Man (TONM) to reunite His Body in love and unity that becomes the catalyst to release the greater Glory on His Ekklesia/Church.
A pathway with an informed repentance to help ignite the power and governance towards the end-time revival, for His Kingdom to arise out of the darkness and to shine God’s light to a lost and dying world.
This Restorative Piece has mostly been hidden during most of the Church age and is only now coming to light as we move closer toward Israel’s Salvation.
Watch and Host The R911 Project Video Teaching Course
“Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matt. 10:8)

Watch the FREE Videos
The ABBREVIATED version (8 Sessions) of the Romans 911 video teaching series is absolutely FREE, with or without acquiring the Romans 911 Study Guide book. The book is written in tandem with the videos, which can be easily accessed and watched on our website.
Host a R911 Project Home Group
You can view the videos yourself, but we do highly recommend that you join with others in your Church or Congregation, and small groups either in person or virtually on Zoom. The dialogue and prayer after the teachings are always inspiring and are well needed now.
Purchase the Romans 911 Study Guide (and gain access to all the video teachings)
We do recommend that you purchase the study guide clearly outlining details of the video series for the best notes and great recollection of these most significant teachings. To acquire the R911 Study Guide with the complete video series (14 sessions), plus fivefold and personal preparatory teachings to build greater intimacy with the Lord.
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