Special Edition Newsletter
It’s with deep gratitude we share this special edition newsletter. We pray you will take the time to read it until the end. There are many generous supporters who made it possible for us to stand with Israel during these challenging days. It warmed our hearts when strangers in the street would stop to ask us where we were from and thanked us for traveling to the Land to support them in spite of the war. Below are some of the highlights:
May 29 – The Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast – Prayer and worship in the Knesset. The spirit of unity between Christians and Jews was evident as we worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in one accord.
May 31 – Jerusalem – Shabbat dinner. Strengthening our bonds with our Jewish friends. What a blessing to join Rabbi Yehuda and Hadass Glick and friends at Amitsm (which means brave or courageous in Hebrew). The vision of this outreach is to encourage widows and orphans, giving them a safe place to have community with others who are struggling with the grief of the loss of a loved one. They provide practical tools to rebuild and strengthen the family unit.
June 3 – Sea of Galilee Impactful interview with Pastor Carter Conlon, Overseer of Time Square Church on the subject of unity in the body of Christ. (video to be released at a later date).
June 4 – Visit at Israel 365.Leadership and staff at the offices Their mission is to strengthen Israel through building bridges between Christians and Jews. We must unite our voices in solidarity for truthful messaging to be released on mainstream media globally regarding Israel. We are honored to be a part of the leadership team of the initiative called “Keep God’s Land.” Its mission is to strengthen and defend Israel’s right to his biblical heartland, with the ultimate goal of Israel’s sovereignty over Judah and Samaria.
June 5 – Jerusalem Day was a wonderful day of celebration in the streets of Jerusalem! We sang and danced all the way to the Temple Mount led by Rabbi Yehuda Glick where we had the blessing of praying together as a group for the Temple Mount which we pray will become a house of prayer for all nations. We were honored to join with Nick Vujicic, former TX Congressman Louie Gohmert, and Board member Lars Enerson.
It was a joy to see so many young people “taking it to the streets” singing and dancing, day and night, in the midst of a war! Click below 1 min video:
June 7 – Jerusalem – a time of fellowship and prayer with Rick and Patricia Ridings, Founders of Succat Hallel (in Hebrew means a tent of praise), which is 24-hour house of prayer overlooking the Temple Mount, they are watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem!
June 14 -Arad, located on the border of the Negev and Judean desert. We experienced a joyful Shabbat dinner. It was a time of sharing and ministering with a diverse group of people, both locals and visitors from several nations. Testimonies, prayer, and worship, all invited the presence of the Lord to this house of refuge.
June 15 – Just on the other side of the Gaza border, we spent a sobering day as we walked the grounds, prayed, and documented the Nova site and car lot. Click Here to watch this impactful 5-minute video:
June 18 – Haifa – A special visit with Pastor Peter Tsukahira and staff of Kehilat HaCarmel Ministry Center, a messianic body of believers located on Mt Carmel. We enjoyed a time of fellowship and beautiful worship with Karen Davis. Many locals were praying for the IDF, unity in the Government, peace and protection of Israel and much more, which we ask each reader to pray daily for Israel. (Film to come).
June 19 – Judea and Samaria – “The Israel Guys” the Waller family. They are an amazing family of mighty warriors for Yeshua! They are standing strong (only about 50 farmers) unified to Keep the biblical land in the control of its rightful owners, Israel. We met with Joshua Waller who shared their vision, outreach, and challenges as we filmed and onsite at their beautiful vineyard. They are located on Mt. Gerizim, the mountain of blessing. Directly across stands Mt. Ebal. This is found in Deuteronomy 28.
June 19 – Ariel – Avi Zimmerman, Founder and CEO at Sector 4 Strategy – Ariel Young Adult Center, a center dedicated to encouraging the Next Generation to achieve their goals. They offer many support services including: career development, education, connecting with other young adults with positive social activity and more.
June 20 – Nazareth – Saleem Shalash, Founder and Sr. Pastor, Home of Jesus the King Church. This ministry’s salt and light approach has had a profound impact in the community by creating reconciliation and unity between Arabs and Jews, through loving and serving them by providing them with their basic needs regardless of their religious beliefs.
June 21 – Mt. Meron (upper Galilee) Interviewed Shadi Khalloul, Aramaic Maronite Centre. An IDF veteran with a prominent voice to restore the Aramean Christian identity in Israel. We had the privilege to come to this mostly abandoned area to encourage and pray with this bold leader who lives in a Christian village near the Lebanese border.
June 23 – Jerusalem, City of David we captured rare footage of a recent archeological find of what is believed to be the Altar where Melchizedek met with Abraham for the sacrifice. We also filmed rare footage that Jeremiah was thrown into, when accused of treason by King Zedekiah officials. (film to be released at a later date).
June 24 – Caesarea, it was a blessing to unite with our Jewish brother, Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf, Founder of Operation Home Again, their mission is to facilitate community-based Aliyah from North America to Israel. Together with “The Return Israel” they are creating an opportunity for the last major Diaspora community to return home to Israel.
On July 2 – 4 The Hague we participated in a powerful, prophetic gathering called “The Trial 2024.” It was led by evangelical leader Jack Van der Tang. It was a roll call for spiritual leaders from over 40 Nations to pray and petition the International Court of Justice to recognize Israel’s right to the land of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, which Israel clearly has the right to their homeland, proven both historically and in the Bible. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident amongst us as we cried out to God for mercy and repented for the sins of our nations.
We have continued laying the foundation by strengthening many relationships throughout the Land, bringing Christians and Jews together in love and unity. Many good seeds have planted and nurtured, but there is much more to do.
We are asking you to prayerfully consider being a part of this ongoing effort of grace, aligning with the heart of our Father to unite His family in love.
With every blessing.
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