I received confirmation of that Word when I reached out to a friend to see if she wanted to join our planning committee, and she said that same morning she had a Word from The Holy Spirit to bring prayer to the square. (08/03/20)
We officially launched our local Facebook page on 08/03/20 and have over 2700 followers as of today, (day 13)!
The Lord has connected us to a man here in Tyler that the Lord called in 2011 to pray over our city, specifically the downtown square, for unity in prayer and worship for a great revival the Lord would bring here. He has prayed faithfully in the square everyday for the last 9 years!
We met a man on the square last weekend, who has traveled all over the country for the past 20 years, with 2 backpacks, going wherever the Lord calls him, and said The Lord called him to Tyler for revival. (He knew nothing about The Return, or the event we are having here when he shared that).
The Lord brought us a woman who will blow the shofar here in the square on September 18, to open our prayer circle on the Feast of the Trumpets, and also on September 26. She was called by the Lord more than a decade ago to blow the shofar around Tyler, which she has been doing since that time.
Another woman we know, had a vision from the Lord 10 years ago that there would be a great revival in this city and people would come from all over the country and the world for healing and salvation. They opened a coffee shop ministry downtown on the square 10 years ago, a few years later it burned to the ground and never saw the vision come to pass, but have had a Word that He is calling in the harvest here from seeds planted a decade and more ago.
Another couple He has blessed us with prophesied over three years ago that Tyler would be the East gate of revival and opened a House of prayer here to prepare for it.
We had another woman contact us, who has had prophetic dreams since December 2019 about this very event. That God would bring an enormous wave of people together for a great revival. She found our Facebook page by accident (God), it was sitting at the bottom of a snapshot of something someone had sent her, totally unrelated to The Return. She lives 3 hours from here and is setting up an event in her town now.
A local radio station here is promoting the national event as well as our local event here in Tyler. (Another God connection).
And this is only week 2 of our process.
What a mighty God we serve… He is moving and we are expecting amazing things all over the world as we unify in prayer and repentance.
Thank you all there for being obedient servants to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Our plan is to publicizing The Idaho Day of Repentance through my own blogging — I publish on Facebook, The Western Journal, Informed Media Group, Bounty Books, and Health Freedom Idaho. I also livestream a Sunday Morning service I call Church on the Lawn, and a midweek teaching time. We are partnering with The Return Idaho (you know this of course) and others, including Aglow Idaho, Healing Rooms in Northern Idaho, Three Oaks Ministries, Idaho Prays, and a coalition of Idaho Indigenous Groups. Although they have not signed on as ministry partners, we are also privileged to publicize out event through the Treasure Valley Pastors Prayer Group and the Boise Harvest Crusade.
Thank you for hosting this amazing, and timely, event in our nation’s capitol, and for making this available to everyone! We stand united with you all at The Return, and believe God is going to light the match of revival through this moment in history.