This is a call to all people and their leaders to repentance
However, the Scriptures also set forth that God is love and abounding in mercy and that all who come before Him to seek for His mercy will find it – and that in repentance and return will come forgiveness, salvation, healing, revival, and restoration. It is upon that foundation that this promise is given: “If My people who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their sinful ways,
The Return is for all believers who love the Lord from all denominations and backgrounds, black, white, Spanish, Asian, men, women, youth, children, Jew and Gentile, everyone. Believers and leaders that support the Return include everyone from Pat Robertson to James Dobson, to Billy Graham’s daughter Ann Graham Lotz, to Martin Luther King’s Niece Alveda King – and many, many more. The hour is late – and the call is to all – To you, parents, to lead your families in revival, to you ministers, to lead your groups in revival, to you pastors, to lead your churches in revival, to you leaders to lead your organizations, your denominations, your people into revival. And if you’re seeking God, then now is the time to come to him or return to Him and to come alongside.
The movement has already begun. In September 2020, we set forth ten days, known from ancient times as the Days of Awe, of September 18 to September 28, as a special time to intensify our prayers, intercession, repentance, and revival. It began on the Feast of Trumpets and concluded on the Day of Atonement, the Day of Return, on Saturday, September 26.
So now, in view of that calling, and of the times in which we’ve been called and to which we have been appointed, and in view of the moment before us, let us rise to that call, let us take God at His word, let us do what He has called us to do, let us believe for great and mighty things, and let us each return and seek to live in revival and become messengers of revival – It is time to break up our fallow ground – It is time to seek the Lord as never before. The moment and chance we have before us now may never happen again. It is time for the global return.
Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessip
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Let us move forward in the Lord’s power to continue the return, to bring salvation and revival to the world!