Day 644: The Last Bank in America

As you are committed to the work of God on the earth—choosing to invest in people, even those who are difficult to love—the Lord is placing something in your hand. He is unlocking his provision to you as well as through you. He is giving you an authority and strength...

Day 643: Getting Real With God – Part 2

Sadly, great numbers of Christians do not know God’s voice. Some can go for months, even years, without ever receiving an intimate word from the Lord in their inner man. Oh, God did speak to them at one time; but over the years, they’ve learned to silence his voice in...

Day 642: Getting Real With God – Part 1

In desperation, David cried out, “Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications” (Psalm 130:2, NKJV). This sounds to me like the plea of a dying man. David obviously wasn’t just uttering “thought prayers.” He was face down on the...

Day 641: Only By Faith

God’s forgiveness can be obtained only by faith. We can’t reason it out. Christ’s gift to us of his blood atonement is so deep, so gracious, so mysterious, it’s far beyond any human ability to understand. We may see the law clearly applied to our sin. We may feel...

Day 640: What Is the Inherent Nature of God?

After all his weeping and crying out to the Lord, David ended up declaring, “But there is forgiveness with you, that you may be feared” (Psalm 130:4, NKJV). The Holy Spirit began to flood his soul with memories of God’s mercies, and suddenly David recalled all he had...