Day 709: Joseph and God’s Favor
Does our heavenly Father favor certain individuals among his children? Doesn’t the Bible say God is no respecter of persons? When it comes to salvation and his wonderful promises, God treats us all alike, but he also puts his special favor on those who respond...
Day 708: You Are Not Alone In The Battle
Numerous Christians, including pastors, have told me they are continually harassed by former sins. They say, “if you only knew what I once did, you would understand why I’m so down. My sin still hangs over my head, and I battle constant guilt over it. I believe the...
Day 707: The Holy Spirit Is Here
There is an old gospel song we used to sing that goes like this: Send him on down, Lord, send him on down Lord, let the Holy Ghost come on down We need him, Lord, send him on down! The truth is the Holy Spirit is already here. He came down from heaven at Pentecost,...