
Day 573: Under the Rule of Grace

The prodigal son needed what the apostle Paul calls a “renewing of the mind.” This wayward son had a mindset of condemnation and was nervous about going back home. These words from the parable, though, show his father’s mindset: “But the father said to his servants,...

Day 572: Staying Clear of Spiritual Fentanyl

I just saw this statistic that 37 percent of all the pastors in America polled say that if you live a good life, you’ll go to heaven. Now, if we look at Galatians, we read, “Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of...

Day 571: God Is Able To See You Through

The most important question facing God's people in these last days is “Do you believe God is able to see you through? Do you believe he can do all that is necessary to answer your prayers and meet your needs?” Jesus asked these same questions when he was on the earth....