
Day 635: Get God’s Power and Go!

As soon as the disciples heard about receiving a baptism of power, they asked, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel”? (see Acts 1). Jesus answered in no uncertain terms, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in his...

Day 634: Standing Up Despite the Darkness

How many of you have heard of Huldah in the Bible? She gave exhortation and hope to the Israelites during a very dark stretch of history. Evil foreign kings had invaded, and evil kings from their own people had ruled over the land. Some truly grotesque forms of...

Day 633: A Call for the Single Ladies

Leading in church can often feel like a partner sport, like tennis or fencing, especially if you’re a woman. It can be easy to get discouraged if you’re a single woman and the only available position for you in church seems to be childcare, but that’s not an area you...