Day 677: Get Up and Walk
The paralyzed man in Mark chapter two was forgiven by God, but he was still captive to his affliction. He was relieved of all his sins but still impotent. He knew Christ as a relief but not as a resource! It is not enough to be forgiven. Christ's part is to clear us...
Day 676: Praising God For His Goodness
“They shall utter the memory of your great goodness, and shall sing of your righteousness” (Psalm 145:7 NKJV). We cannot deny God’s call to praise him in all his excellencies, but we are especially called to praise him for his goodness. Note that the Psalmist insisted...
Day 675: Turning Your Anxiety Into Healing
Jesus didn’t mess around when he talked about fear. His core message was “I, not your fear, am in control.” Are fear and anxiety part of our God-given makeup? Oddly, yes. Fear alerts us to danger, and anxiety is our physical response to those alerts. Life from birth...