Day 415: The Good And Faithful Servant
Skeptics love to come into our lives and say things like “Hey, I love your vision and passion; they’re great. But why risk it? Some people aren’t going to like it. You’ll probably get some negative feedback. You might make some people outright angry. If you offend...
Day 414: Always Ready By Prayer
When a crisis strikes, you don’t have time to build yourself up in prayer and faith. Those who spend their time in the prayer closet with Jesus, though, are always ready.A couple wrote to our friends ministry recently in a spirit that revealed they’d been with Jesus....
Day 413: The Distinguishing Mark of Jesus’ Presence
In Acts 3, we find Peter and John going to the temple to worship. Just outside the temple gate sat a beggar who had been crippled from birth. Peter told him to stand and walk in the name of Jesus, and the man was healed!When Peter and John saw crowds gathering to...