Day 424: The Gentle Touch of Jesus
Somebody reading this needs a touch from Jesus. When the Lord ministered here on earth, he went about healing and restoring the afflicted by simply touching them. When Jesus touched Peter’s mother-in-law, her fever left her body (see Luke 4:38-40). He touched...
Day 423: Do You Truly Believe?
God doesn’t want your home, car, furniture, savings or any of your possessions. All he wants is your strong belief in his Word, and that may be the one thing that other, more spiritual-appearing people lack. You may look at another person as being more spiritual than...
Day 422: Fully Convinced Of The Promise
God gave the prophet Jeremiah a revelation of his name Jehovah Tsidkenu(pronounced Je-HO-va Sid-KAY-noo) in a time of crisis similar to the one we face today. “Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; a...