Day 545: God Has Not Forgotten You
God has not forgotten you! He knows exactly where you are and what you are going through right now. He is monitoring every step along your path, but we are just like the children of Israel who doubted God’s daily care for them, even though prophets were sent to deliver wonderful promises from heaven. We forget in our hour of need that God has us in the palm of his hand. Instead, like the children of Israel, we are afraid we are going to blow it all and be destroyed by the enemy.
Could it be that we continue in our hurting, living in defeat and failure, simply because we really do not believe God answers our prayers anymore?
Are we as guilty as the children of Israel in thinking God has forsaken us and turn to our own devices to figure things out for ourselves? Do we really believe our Lord meant it when he said God will act just in time in response to our prayer of faith? Jesus implies that most of us, even though called and chosen, will not be trusting in him when he returns. Some of God’s people have already lost their confidence in him. They do not believe in the deepest parts of their souls that their prayers make any difference. They act as if they are all on their own.
Be honest now. Has your faith been weak lately? Have you almost given up on certain things you have prayed so much about? Have you grown weary with waiting? Maybe you have thrown up your hands in resignation as if to say, “I just can’t seem to break through. I don’t know what is wrong and why my prayer is not answered. Evidently God has said no to me.”
God has not forsaken me nor you! A thousand times no. He is right now wanting us to believe he is working all things out for our good (see Romans 8:28). Stop trying to figure it out; stop worrying and doubting your Lord. The answer is coming. God has not shut his ears, and you will reap in due season if you faint not. “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9 NKJV).
Day 544: Let This Mind Be In You
Paul exhorted the people of God, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5, NKJV). The apostle was saying, “Let the mind that is in Christ — the very thinking of Jesus — be your thinking also. His mindset is the one we all are to seek.”
What does it mean to have the mind of Christ? Simply put, it means to think and act as Jesus did. It means making Christ-like decisions that determine how we are to live. It means bringing every faculty of our mind to bear on how we actually can have the mind of Christ. Every time we look into the mirror of God’s Word, we’re to ask ourselves, “Does what I see about myself reflect the nature and thinking of Christ? Am I changing from image to image, conformed to Jesus’ very likeness by every experience that God brings into my life?”
According to Paul, here is the mindset of Christ. “[He] made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:7). Jesus made the decision while he was still in heaven. He made an agreement with the Father to lay down his heavenly glory and come to earth as a man. He was going to descend to the world as a humble servant. Rather than be ministered to, Christ sought to minister to others.
For Christ, this meant saying, “I go to do your will, Father.” Indeed, Jesus determined ahead of time, “I am laying down my will in order to do yours, Father. I subjugate my will so that I may embrace yours. Everything I say and do has to come from you. I’m laying down everything to be totally dependent upon you.” In turn, the Father’s agreement with the Son was to reveal his will to him. God said to him, in essence, “My will won’t ever be hidden from you. You will always know what I am doing. You will have my mind.”
When Paul boldly stated, “I have the mind of Christ,” he was declaring, “I too have made myself of no reputation. Like Jesus, I have taken on the role of a servant.” Paul asserted that the same can hold true for every believer when he said, “We have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16).
Day 543: A Baptism of Humility
Paul knew some Judaizers had come to the early church and had told them, “Don’t listen to Paul. He’s a chump.” So he had to write and defend himself, as he often did. “You know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first,” —this is a humble confession— “and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. …Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?” (Galatians 4:13-14,16, ESV).
The Bible has all kinds of incidents where a prophet would come to a king and speak a message from the Lord, but it was a corrective Word. The king would respond, “What did you just say?” Then to his guards, “Would you arrest him and put him in a cell. Oh, and two days later, go ahead and cut his head off.”
Why? Because we don’t like to be corrected. When we walk in pride, we are fools, and Proverbs says, “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid” (Proverbs 12:1). If you don’t want people to get upset at you, you got to tell them what they want to hear.
A lot of churches run this way. Avoid any verses in the Bible that are corrective and might make people feel uncomfortable. If they’re practicing some sin like racial animosity, don’t tell a white person that everybody’s the same and that we’re to love everyone. No, they don’t want to hear that if they’re in certain parts of the country or part of certain mindsets. Don’t tell black people that they have to love white people even though the history of this country is not so pretty. No, they do not want to hear that. Don’t tell anybody anything they don’t want to hear because pride doesn’t like to be corrected.
People think, “I’m going to do things my way, and if you correct me, that means you don’t like me!” The scripture say, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6). Don’t we all need a baptism of humility? Lord, give me humility so that I don’t see anyone who corrects me as an enemy.
Day 542: What Does It All Mean?
What does it all mean when prayers go unanswered? When hurts linger and God seems to be doing nothing in response to our faith? Often God is loving us more supremely at that time than ever before. The Word says, “For whom the Lord loves He chastens” (Hebrews 12:6, NKJV). A chastening of love takes precedence over every act of faith, prayer or promise. What I see as hurting me could be his loving me. It could be his gentle hand spanking me out of my stubbornness and pride.
We place more emphasis on the power of our prayers than we do on getting his power into us. We want to figure out God so we can read him like a book. We don’t want to be surprised or bewildered; and when things happen contrary to our concept of God, we say, “This can’t be God. That’s not the way he works.”
We are so busy working on God that we forget he is trying to work on us. This is what this life is all about, God working on us and trying to remake us into vessels of glory. We are so busy praying to change things that we have little time to allow prayer to change us. God has not put prayer and faith in our hands as if they were two secret tools by which a select group of ‘experts’ learn to pry something out of him. God said he is more willing to give than we are to receive. God is not some eternal, divine tease. He has not surrounded himself in riddles for men to unravel, as if to say, “Only the most clever will get the prize.”
We are so mixed up on this matter of prayer and faith. We think of faith as a way to corner God on his promises. We shout, “Lord, you can’t go back on your promise. I want what is coming to me. You must do it, or else your Word is not true.”
This is why we miss the true meaning of prayer and faith. We see God only as the giver and us as the receivers, but prayer and faith are the avenues by which we become givers to God. They are not to be used as ways to get things from God but rather as a way to offer him our hearts, minds and lives to be transformed as he wills.