Frequently Asked Questions

How does a simulcast work?

All of in:ciite Events are broadcast via webcast and do not require the purchase of any special equipment to host. You do need to have a good, strong internet connection in order to download the webcast in real-time, a computer, and input to a viewing device (projector, television, receiver, etc.). For full technical requirements and information on testing your download speed, CLICK HERE. in:ciite Events also offers a live test weeks before the event to make sure things are working properly.

Simulcasting is a very simple process. in:ciite Events will email you a link and a password days before the live event. On the day of the event, you will click on the link and enter the password. We will provide a countdown clock and music starting 45 minutes prior to the event start time. A schedule for the simulcast will be emailed to you prior to the event date. A countdown clock will also run during break times. Prior to the break, the event will be handed back to the host site coordinator to give any announcements or special instructions.

With every in:ciite Event, customer service is available in the weeks leading to your event and during your event.

What equipment will I need to host the Simulcast?

In order to host a simulcast you need to make sure you have the following:

  • An Internet Connection
  • A desktop or laptop computer
  • A mobile phone or tablet
  • If you are gathering as a group you will need a larger Video display connected to your computer or a projector and screen

We will be streaming your event at the highest possible quality, but it is very important for you to know that the quality you receive is very dependent on your internet connection and the projection capability of your venue.

What download speed should I have to host?

The DOWNLOAD SPEED number is the one that is important for your broadcast capability. Your network connection should sustain a download speed of 20 Mbps or greater. Please check your download speed at

Will The Return help me promote the simulcast in my area?

The Return has a map of churches hosting the simulcast for people that are looking for a host site to attend. The map is located here.

Will I receive any type of promotional materials to help promote the event in my church and community?

Yes, click this link to download promotional materials such as, posters, bulletin inserts, flyers, email templates, power point slides and more.

Can we record the Simulcast?

No. Because of copyright and intellectual property issues recording is not permitted.

Is the simulcast live?

Yes, your church will be experiencing The Return at the same time the event begins in Washington D.C. on September 26th! If you have time zone conflicts, there may be a time delay available, of which we’ll let you know