America, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says, once stood out in God’s kingdom as a “city on a hill.” But that light that once shone bright has darkened, and it is time, Cahn said at Saturday’s “The Renewal” in Plant City, Florida, for us to return to the consecration for which we once were called to spark a transformation for Jesus in America.

“In ancient Israel the generation that fell way needed an Elijah. More than ever, you have a prophetic calling to take up the mantle Elijah,” Cahn says in video of the event. “Elijah knew he had to be separate, that he could not be defiled by his culture. You must more and more be separate and draw a line in the sand and take no part in the defilement of the age.

“You must do the same as Elijah and stand out,” he continues. “Only those who dare to be different can make a different in the world. You must stand up and say, ‘This is the moment I was born for.'”

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